Thursday, July 30, 2009


Thank goodness for a long weekend! I want to sleep all weekend! My brain is weary from all the information. It would be great to just curl up in bed, pull the covers over my head, and forget about the next few months. Fortunately, my family and friends won't let me get away with that! So many people are pulling for me. To all of you that have said a prayer for me - thank you! To all of that have called - thank you! To all of you that have cried--thank you! Better you than me. I will prove I am not a cry-baby. (Even if some close friends are skeptical!) To all of you who reminded me that I was already this way before I lost my mind this week--thank you! I know we will get rid of The Thing!

1 comment:

  1. Janet,

    I'm praying for you today! You are one special lady and The Thing will only be a speedbump in your life. Your wonderful attitude and sense of humor will help you get through all the yucky stuff.

    I posted my picture from when my hair was just coming back after my bout with The Thing. Although our hair doesn't make us beautiful, it is nice to see it when it starts coming back. It is actually a little liberating to not have to mess with hair for awhile. :-)

    Stay positive! You are going to do great! Nicole
