The past week I have been feeling better each day. My angel Kathy went home to my brother Bill, but not before I had a good cry over it. She’s been wonderful and I will miss her company very much. The night before she left Linda and Sandi came over and we had soup and salad, then played dominos. Kathy has us all addicted to ‘chicken foot’ and ‘Mexican train.’ There were a lot of laughs…but I could never share the reason for most of our laughs in a public blog!
Donnis came over the morning Kathy left to help pick up the pieces, as she knew it would be hard for me to let Kathy go. She was a big help in the transition.
This healing stuff is not moving as quickly as I had planned. My friends keep reminding me that I am ‘only’ three weeks post-surgery, but I have a schedule to keep. There are events coming up and I need to get back in the swing. When I was whinning (as I do occasionally) about my pain, my friend Dennis asked me if it was really pain or was I just sore. Well, that put it in perspective. I am just sore. Thanks for helping me see that, Dennis!

There may not be such a phobia—or one with that name, but I have started to really fear doctors. Not in the same way you would fear finding a cobra in your purse, but I get a real sense of trepidation when I have to see a doctor these days. I’ve heard it said that the best way to overcome your fears is to go at them with a vengeance. (Not a good idea with the purse cobra.) This afternoon I have to see my plastic surgeon. There is something that ‘may be nothing’ but it does not feel quite right in one of my implants. I’ll have to (coaching cliché alert…) ‘suck it up’ and go to see him. Maybe physicianophobia is like trauma induced amnesia and it will get better as I get better.
Editors Note: One of our astute readers has advised us that IATROPHOBIA is the correct term for fear of doctors. The editors thank the reader and request that the reader "get a life!"
On Tuesday, I had a visit from co-workers Renee Clayton, Adam Guess, Vince Thompson, Jordan Slentz, Sandi Atkinson, and Kevin Morgan. We had a ‘gut pack’ for lunch! Vitek’s is a little Waco sandwich shop that is famous for this culinary “masterpiece.” It consists of Fritos, beans, sausage, onions, brisket, BBQ sauce, cheese, and jalepeno peppers. I opted out of the jalepenos yesterday. Not sure my system is ready for them!
The lunch was fun and I enjoyed seeing everyone. Kevin had big news of the day. He and wife, Amber, are going to be first time parents in June. He even brought the ultrasound photos to show me. I know they have been wanting a baby for a while and this is just wonderful news. It was a good day all the way around